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Receiving her 2013 Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Governor...
The basis of our Human Resources policy is to bring successful and dynamic talents to the RAMSES İNŞAAT family, to contribute to the sustainable success of RAMSES İNŞAAT with employee-oriented approaches and to follow an exemplary management approach that always stands by its employees at international standards.

We bring qualified human resources together under the roof of RAMSES İNŞAAT.
We choose the members of the RAMSES İNŞAAT family from among those who have strong communication skills, complete their work by owning, open to innovation and change, and are customer and quality oriented.

We invest in the development of our employees.
We support academic activities that contribute to the professional development of our employees, and we strive to maximize employee productivity with flexible career routes and working environments. We maintain our competitive wage policy.

We maintain our competitive wage policy.
Strengths rights, and we protect being the most preferred Turkey's defense industry companies have superiority with our pricing policy.
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